
So, has it been a year already? For a year I’ve been working on what has become my not-good-enough novella, born from the ashes of my blogging every day in April challenge. What a fun, productive time…that has led to the book being shortlisted, and subsequently denied publication, twice.

I am grateful for that. It is nice to know that I am making strides. I’ve made it at least some way. I’m improving.

I’m still hesitant to try anything creative, a lot of the time. Blank pages make me angry and sad. But I do write best with a schedule, with a word count. Maybe I should try to write at a Nanowrimo pace again…despite my abundance of work and school time spent away from my writing. Gotta make time to make art.

Maybe I’m not cut out for it. Maybe I’m having a huge gigantic crisis that’s eating at every part of my life. What is anything, anymore? What are we all here for? Why make art in the first place, if its so hard and grueling and so rarely rewarding?

I’m tired.

9 thoughts on “April

  1. Hi Introvert Playground Team,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Introvert Playground has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 50 Introvert Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 50 Introvert Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.



  2. I just reached my two-year mark and I can’t believe I’m still here!! Surprisingly, I’ve surprised myself with what I’ve come up with each week. One step in front of the other ….. You can do this! 🙂


  3. Take a weekend for a personal retreat. You don’t even have to go anywhere or spend any money. Read, watch movies, go for walks, unwind. Then try again. Hang in there.


  4. Keep going, even if the steps you take are so small as to be nearly imperceptible. You have talent and motivation and you will get there 😊


  5. Welcome to what Steven Pressfield calls The Resistance and Seth Godin calls The Dip. Every creative soul gets here from time to time. If you’re not familiar with Pressfield’s “The War of Art,” you need to read it, today.


  6. Don’t be ‘tired’. Write for you…your work is brilliant. Write for the ‘joy of it’. Your writing is passionate…work with these doubts…let doubt push you forward and not attempt to stop you in your tracks.


  7. Believe in your talent because it’s real.


  8. I’m sure you’ve heard it all before…but didn’t it take Dr. Seuss like 29 rejections before he got published? I loved your A to Z last year, even without being published it was still quality work. I get how frustrating it can be, but I don’t think you should give up or have it change the joy of writing for you! That hard work was not for nothing because all of it has helped develop your skills and knowledge!

